What Causes Swollen Gums with Braces?

August 26, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — wellesleydg @ 1:59 pm
Man covering mouth, concerned about swollen gums with braces in Wellesley

When your braces were first placed on your teeth, you may not have given a lot of thought to how they could affect your gums. After all, their purpose relates to your teeth, not the surrounding pink tissue. Now, though, perhaps you have noticed that your gums are a little puffy, sore, or enlarged. In many cases, this issue is nothing to worry about. In other cases, it can point to the need for professional treatment. In this blog post, we will discuss common causes of swollen gums with braces in Wellesley and provide some suggestions on how to address them.

Causes of Swollen Gums with Braces

Some possible causes of swollen gums with braces include:

  • Tooth movements. As braces force your teeth to move, they can place pressure on the gums. Naturally, this results in inflammation. For most people, this is a minor problem that is relatively easy to manage.
  • Missteps in oral hygiene. Braces necessitate that you spend a bit of extra time cleaning your mouth each day. If you accidentally miss some parts, such as the area along your gumline, you might develop an infection that causes swelling. Often, this type of swelling is a symptom of gum disease, a potentially dangerous condition that requires professional treatment.
  • Health conditions. Diabetes and a number of other health conditions can have adverse effects on various bodily functions, leading to an increased risk of inflammation in the gums.
  • Gingival hyperplasia. This rare condition causes the gums to grow, rather than just swell. It may occur as a response to a buildup of bacteria in the gum tissue.

What You Can Do

Call your dentist and describe your concerns. Depending on what you say, your dentist might provide tips for at-home care. It is also possible that they will urge you to schedule an appointment with them as soon as possible.

Here are a few things you may be able to do to address swollen gums:

  • Rinse with salt water. This can calm the inflammation that results from shifting teeth.
  • Use anti-inflammatory medications. Ibuprofen and similar medications can help to reduce swelling to an extent.
  • Adjust your oral hygiene routine. Your hygienist or dentist can coach you on how to thoroughly clean your mouth so your gums do not get infected.
  • Gum disease therapy. There are various treatments available to address gum disease, such as a deep cleaning of the mouth, antibiotic therapy, or even surgery.
  • Manage your overall health. Your primary care provider can help you manage medical conditions that might be contributing to swollen gums.
  • Gum recontouring. This minimally invasive procedure removes excess gum tissue in Wellesley. It is a common treatment for gingival hyperplasia. If you choose to undergo it, you may need to wait until after you finish your orthodontic treatment.

Are you struggling with swollen gums? In most cases, this issue can be addressed with simple and conservative measures.

Meet the Practice

The large team of dentists and specialists at Wellesley Dental Group has many years of combined experience. We offer traditional braces and a broad range of general dentistry services. To learn how we may be able to help you cope with swollen gums or other dental concerns, contact us at 781-691-4914.

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