Oral Tips for Teens:

August 19, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — wellesleydg @ 5:35 pm

Having good oral care is timeless. The earlier you begin perfecting your oral hygiene routine, the better, so that your pearly whites can last a lifetime. As teens enter maturity, things can get busy very quickly with school, work, and extracurricular activities.

Here are some tips for teens on maintaining their smile:

  • Make sure brushing at least twice a day and flossing daily does not fall to the wayside. To keep a bright and healthy smile, in addition to fresh breath, these practices are necessary along with visiting the dentist for regular check-ups and treatment.
  • Keep a stock of oral supplies ready for daily use and travel. Keep soft-bristled toothbrushes, floss, and mouth rinse handy.
  • Implement a healthy nutritious diet. Do your best to avoid items high in sugar and acidic foods and beverages that not only take a toll on your health but also increase your risk of developing tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral issues.
  • Avoid harmful habits such as smoking and alcohol use. Tobacco products can increase your risk of cancer, gum disease, and other health issues, along with causing tooth discoloration and bad breath.
  • Orthodontic treatment, such as braces, may be a great option for teens looking to improve their smile or those who are faced with misaligned teeth or improper bites. Proper oral hygiene is extremely important when having braces. Your oral routine may require extra time brushing and flossing as dental bacterial plaque tends to stick easily around the brackets.
  • Teens frequently face the reality of having their wisdom teeth (third molars) coming into the mouth. If the wisdom teeth are impacted, harming neighboring teeth, are infected, or there is not enough room for them within the mouth, dental professionals may recommend for them to be removed.
  • As social beings, bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be off-putting. The bad smells tend to arise from bacteria that are harbored on your teeth and the tongue. In most instances, improving oral habits and keeping regular dental visits can help get rid of the smelly oral bacteria.
  • If considering oral piercings, be sure to speak with your dental professionals beforehand. Oral piercings have been associated with many issues that can cause harm to your oral cavity. For instance, individuals with oral piercings are at a higher risk of having gum recession, fractured teeth, speech issues, oral sores, and the risk of aspirating the jewelry.
  • Accidents happen but preventing them should be a top priority. If involved in sports, particularly contact sports like baseball, football, and basketball, it is necessary to have the proper protective equipment. Protective gear such as mouth guards help minimize the risk of tooth fracture and other trauma to your head, neck, and oral cavity.
  • Avoid poor dental habits like chewing ice, thumb-sucking, and nail biting.

This pandemic has impacted us all, but our community is indeed all stronger together. Our team at WDG always has your safety and health as our top priority, and we have implemented additional safety measures and equipment to help prevent the transmission of all infections, including COVID-19. Wellesley Dental Group has completely reopened since June 8th, 2020 for all dental procedures and cleanings! Thank you for entrusting your health and dental care to us at Wellesley Dental Group.

Feel free to contact Drs. Ali & Ali and the caring team at Wellesley Dental Group if you have any thoughts or concerns; they will be happy to answer your questions! Contact us today at 781-237-9071 or smile@wellesleydentalgroup.com to set up an appointment.

Your little ones and teens are welcome to visit our pediatric dentist, Dr. Bahar Houshman and Dr. Marisa Reason is happy to help with your TMJ and orthodontic needs. For wisdom teeth extractions or any other oral surgery needs, Dr. Reisman would love to help, and our gum-specialist Dr. Singh can help with your gum-related concerns.




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