Tips for Preventing and Managing Mouth Sores with Braces

August 10, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — wellesleydg @ 1:30 pm
Frowning man, concerned about mouth sores with braces in Wellesley

In recent times, innovations in technology and orthodontic care techniques have led to the advent of braces that are much more comfortable and subtle than those of previous generations. However, braces are still not perfect. They can occasionally cause issues, such as mouth sores. How can you reduce your risk of mouth sores with braces in Wellesley? If you do develop a sore, how can you care for it? Read on below to find the answers.

Preventing Mouth Sores

Here are some tips to lower your risk of developing a mouth sore:

  • Cover your brackets. In most cases, mouth sores are the result of braces’ brackets rubbing against soft tissues in the mouth. You can minimize the brackets’ contact with sensitive areas by using orthodontic wax. All you have to do is roll it into a small ball and then mold it onto your brackets. Alternatively, you could use silicon covers, which tend to last much longer than wax.
  • Stick to a thorough oral hygiene routine. Keeping your mouth as clean as possible minimizes the opportunity that bacteria and food particles have to cause infections and sores. Regular brushing and flossing, perhaps along with the use of an antibacterial mouthwash, can be essential.
  • Stay hydrated. A dry mouth is at an increased risk of many problems, including mouth sores. Try to keep a bottle of water with you at all times and sip on it throughout the day to promote adequate saliva production.
  • Minimize stress. Often, there is a correlation between mouth sores and high levels of stress. It would be wise to take time each day to unwind.

Managing Mouth Sores

You may try your best to prevent mouth sores. However, you might still find that you develop one once in a while. Your dentist might have specific recommendations on how you can cope with the problem, so be sure to call them and ask for advice. In the meantime, the following tips might be helpful:

  • Use pain relievers if necessary. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen are both readily available over the counter, and both can lessen mouth pain. You might also try topical products, such as Anbesol or Orabase.
  • Swish with salt water. Salt water is a natural and effective way to reduce inflammation and combat harmful oral bacteria. Simply dump half a teaspoon of salt into one cup of warm water and swish the solution around your mouth for at least 30 seconds. Repeat several times each day.
  • Apply a tea bag. Soak a tea bag in warm water for a few minutes before you gently press it against your mouth sore. It can provide a soothing sensation. Plus, tea has antiseptic properties that can support your body’s healing process. Black tea and chamomile both work well for mouth sores.
  • Adjust your diet. Spicy, acidic, and hot foods might exacerbate your discomfort. Try to stick to cool or room temperature foods that are easy to eat.

Mouth sores with braces are uncomfortable and annoying. Fortunately, there are simple things you can do to prevent and manage this issue.

Meet the Practice

The talented team of general dentists and specialists at Wellesley Dental Group are proud to provide orthodontic services and a range of other treatments for families in our community. If you have questions about braces, we would be pleased to speak with you. Contact us at 781-691-4914.

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