Halloween Tips and Tricks for Healthy Teeth

October 26, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 1:50 pm

With Halloween quickly approaching, many preparations are now in place. From Halloween costumes to pumpkin carvings, to decorations, and sweet treats, there’s a lot that goes into the day for those who celebrate. But we all know that Halloween can bring its own challenges when it comes to oral health. This isn’t to say that all the sugar should be taken away, but there are some tips to make Halloween safe and still fun for you and your family.

Look at these tips and tricks for a healthier Halloween:

Timing Matters:

Once you’ve collected your Halloween candy, it is best to consume your sugary treats with meals. During mealtime, saliva production increases, which helps neutralize harmful acids produced by oral bacteria. It also helps rinse away food particles.

Choose Candy Carefully:

Things in moderation can be okay, but it is best to avoid certain candies that can increase your chance of developing cavities and other oral issues. Avoid hard and sticky candies, which tend to remain in the mouth for long periods of time. The amount of time sugary treats stay in your mouth can play a huge role in increasing your risk for tooth decay. In addition, sour candies should be avoided as they can increase the acidity within your mouth and lead to erosion of your teeth. Instead, opt for sweets with less sugar, such as dark chocolate.

Don’t Hang on to your Candy Stash for too Long:

It can be nice to have treats around when you’re craving something sweet, but hanging onto your candy stash for long periods of time can lead to more snacking and a greater chance of harming your teeth. Do your best to limit your stash and consider donating candy through a candy drop-off program.

Consume a lot of Water:

Fluoridated water is great for your teeth and overall health. Fluoride is a natural mineral that helps protect against tooth decay.

Avoid Sugary Beverages:

Sugary beverages like soda and energy drinks can lead to tooth decay and dental erosion. If you are to indulge, try using a straw to limit contact with the teeth and consume water afterwards.

Chew Sugar-Free Gum:

Sugarless gum with the ADA seal of approval has been shown to help reduce tooth decay.

Brush Twice a Day:

Brushing twice a day for two minutes each time is essential for your oral health. It is especially important to brush right before going to bed so that the sugars can be wiped away before causing more harm throughout the night.

Flossing is Important:

Most cavities start in-between the teeth where the toothbrush is unable to reach. Flossing daily is critical to removing dental plaque and food particles that become lodged in-between teeth and underneath the gumline.

Visit the Dentist:

Keeping up with your regular dental check-ups can help catch issues early-on before progressing and making matters worse. If you haven’t been to the dentist in a while, this month is the perfect time to make sure your teeth are in tip-top shape!

This pandemic has impacted us all, but our community is indeed all stronger together. Our team at WDG always has your safety and health as our top priority, and we have implemented additional safety measures and equipment to help prevent the transmission of all infections, including COVID-19. Wellesley Dental Group has completely reopened since June 8th, 2020 for all dental procedures and cleanings! Thank you for entrusting your health and dental care to us at Wellesley Dental Group.

Feel free to contact Drs. Ali & Ali and the caring team at Wellesley Dental Group if you have any thoughts or concerns; they will be happy to answer your questions! Contact us today at 781-237-9071 or smile@wellesleydentalgroup.com to set up an appointment.

Your little ones and teens are welcome to visit our pediatric dentist, Dr. Bahar Houshman and Dr. Marisa Reason is happy to help with your TMJ and orthodontic needs. For wisdom teeth extractions or any other oral surgery needs, Dr. Reisman would love to help, and our gum-specialist Dr. Singh can help with your gum-related concerns.





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